Scrapbooking not only preserves memories, but brings people together as well. I have friends who own a bed & breakfast and they are busy every weekend with scrapbooking retreats. People rent the whole house and set up in the conference rooms and work the weekend away, talking all the while about the pages they are doing, the latest techniques and materials.
You can have the same scrapbooking camaraderie even working by yourself at home. With FreeTeleCon you can get those same people together (up to 96 + you) all in one free conference call. Yes I said FREE!!! The only costs are your normal long distance charges, so if you have a good plan, it is completely free!
Check it out, all you have to do is go to the website
http://www.freetelecon.com/ go to the registration page, enter your name and email address and you will be given a number and access code. That’s it! The number can then be given to all your friends, tell them to all call at a certain time and you area set, all your friends scrapbooking together!!
Try it today!