My Art Space is a website to aide the artist in getting their work out on the web for all to see. Like other online social networks My Art Space allows the artist to create a profile and upload examples of their work into their own online galleries. this allows all artists, no matter where they are to connect, to be a part of something bigger, to show their work to the world. My Art Space is open to all those interested in the arts, from the
beginner to the seasoned pro, gallery owners, collectors and curators.
For the art student My Art Space is offering several different scholarships for both the undergrad as well as the graduate.
With sponsored competitions, scholarships and special events My Art Space is sure to grow into a force in the art world.
TeleConferencing can be used to help spread information and news about events and openings to help further the artists career. Check it out and sign up today at
Free TeleCon!