Monday, October 17, 2011

Activism And Free TeleConferencing

With occupations taking place not only all over the United States but all around the world, change is at hand and we all need to do what we can to facilitate it by becoming activists.  Free TeleConferencing is a great solution to get the message out by using conference calls.  You can set up a free account and be ready to for your first conference in minutes, and you can record and download them as well!  Check it out and sign up today!  FREE TELECON.COM!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Occupy Together And Free TeleConferencing

There is a movement growing accross the country. I believe that Free TeleConferencing could play a big role in bringing this movement together by helping to organize and spread the message. Its a free service with the only charges being your normal long distance charges.  So if you use it with your cell phone and you have a good plan it is totally free.  Many many uses to aid the movement.  Check it out at FREETELECON.COM