Dont let the distance between you and your loved ones keep you apart, let Free TeleCon help bridge the gap and bring you together. We would be honored if the men and women of our Armed Forces used our service, and if we can do anything to help you, please let us know. We can offer Free Conference calls for up to 96 people, possibly more if need be. All you need do is go to the website, enter your name and email address and you will be given a phone number and access code, yours to use free! The only charges are your normal long distance, so if you have a good plan, it is completetly free to you! Whenever you need it, we are there for you to help you reach out and touch the ones you care for. We aer the leader in one to many, crystal clear digital communications.
1 comment:
Military video conferencing software provides such a way to keep families together. In this article, we'll talk about how video conferencing works, how the military uses this technology and how families connect using video conferencing.
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